Saturday, July 31, 2021

Comparative study of Heart With answer By Dr. V. S. Kamble Department of Zoology Sangola College, sangola

Comparative study of Heart

1.      The heart is pumping organ operates                                                            Arterial and venous system

2.      In the case of fishes, the heart shows presence of-----  chambers.                    02  

3.      In the case of Amphibia , the heart shows presence of -----chambers              03

4.      In the case of Reptile , the heart shows presence of chambers                        Incomplete 04 chambers

5.      In the case of Aves and Mammals , the heart shows presence of--------- chambers             04

6.      The heart is enclosed in double-walled membrane of called as                 pericardium                       

7.      The sinus venosus is formed by the union of two                                Two precava and one post cava

8.      Cordae tendineae prevents the ventricle from collapse  & expansion of the heart.

9.      In the heart of fish only deoxygenated blood is circulates hence it is called as           Venous heart   

10.  In amphibians purification of the blood is takes place in                                             Lung and skin

11.  Truncus arteriosus shows two parts that are                  proximal pylangium and a distal synangium

12.  In fishes the circulation is                                                                                 Single Circulation

13.  In Mammals  the circulation is                                                                         Double circulation

14.  Through the heart of Fishes only                                        Deoxygenated / Venous blood is circulate 

15.  In reptile .respiration takes place by                                                                Lung only

16.  In amphibian trunchus arteriosus shows presence of characteristic vale called        Spiral valve

17.  In reptiles mixed type of blood is circulating because of the                                Foramen of  Panazzae

18.  18). In birds/mammals the opening of post cava into right chamber of the auricle      Tricuspid valve

is guarded by

19.  The heart of fish is called as                                                                 Branchial heart or Venous heart

20.  In the case of amphibians in water respiration takes place.                      Skin (Cutaneous respiration)

21.  In the case of birds & mammals pacemaker system consist                                 SA node and AV node

22.  Conous arteriosus is present in                                                                                    Fishes

23.  Trunchus arteriosus is present in                                                                                  Amphibian

24.  The blood passes through only once hence circulation is called as                            Single circulation

25.  In the case of vertebrates the left chamber of auricle receives                                   oxygenated blood

26.  In crocodile heart is of                                                                                                 04 Chambers

27. Double circulation occurs in                                                                           Aves and Mammals

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Comparative study of Heart With answer By Dr. V. S. Kamble Department of Zoology Sangola College, sangola

Comparative study of Heart 1.       The heart is pumping organ operates                                                              A rte...