Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Comparative Study of Brain - Fill in the blank By. Dr. Vidhin Kamble. Departmet of Zoology

1] During embryonic development of the brain neural tube with anterior enlargement called ................................................................................................
  2] Primary cerebral vesicles of encephalon are ........................................................................
  3] Rhinencephalon is developed from .......................................................................................
  4] Telencephalon is developed from..........................................................................................
  5] Diencephalon is developed from............................................................................................
  6] Olfactory lobe is developed from……………………………………………………........
  7] Pallium & cerebrum is developed from.................................................................................
  8] Diencephalon shows the presence of two processes are…………….....& reptile.
  9] The cavity enclosed by different parts of the brain are called.....................................................
1o] The cavity enclosed by olfactory lobe is called as ................................................................
11] Cerebrum or cerebral hemisphere encloses a cavity called as ..............................................
12] The ventricle enclosed by the diencephalon is called as .............................................................
13] The 2nd ventricle & 3rd the ventricle is connected by connection called ................................
14] The connection between optocoel or metacoel it is called …………………………….....
15] Medula oblongata encloses the hollow cavity called …………………………………........
16] The brain & spinal cord is covered by protecting covering of fibrous connective tissue called as............................................................................
17] In case of fishes there is the presence of only one protecting membrane called......
18] In case of Amphibians, Reptiles, &birds there are presence of....................................layers of meninges.
19] In case of mammal there is a presence of……………………….....layers of meninges.
20] The arachnoid membrane layer of meninges found in ........................................................
21] Brain of fish is enclosed in …………………………………………………….........
22] In case of fishes cerebrum ventrally shows the presence of minute aperture called ………....
23] The roof of non-nervous & highly vascular.
24] In case of fishes there is the presence of characteristic organ on the ventral side of diencephalon called as   …………………………………………….......
25] Saccus vasculous in fishes act as...............................................................
6] In case of fishes optic lobes are……………………………………………….......
27] In case of fishes cerebellum is well developed and  laterally folded, these folds are called ………………………………………………......
28] ....................................................... is triangular part of hind brain.
29] The brain of frog is present in …………………………………….......
30] In case of frog olfactory lobe are...............................................................developed.
31] In case of frog the cerebellum is ..............................................................developed.
32] The olfactory peduncle are present in................................................&..............................
33] The cerebral hemisphere are separated from each other by ..................................................
34] In case of reptile the surface of cerebral hemisphere is ……………………………….....
35] The parital organ is also called as.....................................................................................
36] In case of reptile ………………………………………… in the form of strip.
37] In case of bird optic lobe are..............................................................developed.
38] In case of bird cerebellum is …………………………………….....developed.
39] The……….............&......................protect the brain from mechanical injury & by absorbing shocks.
40] In case of mammal cerebral hemisphere consist of……………………...lobes.
41] In case of mammal cerebral hemisphere is smooth, shows presence of elevations called…………………………………………………......
42] In case of mammal diencephalon shows presence of pineal body with.................................
43] In case of mammal optic lobes are divided in to......................lobe called......................
44] In case of ..........................................................optic lobes are not hollow.
45] In case of mammal there are presence of ………………………..lobe of cerebellum.
46] In case of mammal cerebellum consist of ....................................................................
47] ………………………………………………………… median part of cerebellum.
48] In case of mammal cerebellum ventrally shows a band of nerve fiber called ……………

By. Dr. Vidhin Kamble. Department of Zoology 
Sangola College, Sangola

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Comparative study of Heart With answer By Dr. V. S. Kamble Department of Zoology Sangola College, sangola

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