Monday, June 7, 2021

Eye muscles of scoliodon


Remove the eyelids and nictitating membrane to expose the eye-ball and its muscles. 

The eye muscles are inserted into the eye-ball in two groups. 

Note the following six eye muscles : 

(1) Superior rectu~. Inserted on the dorsal surface of the eye-ball. 

(2) Inferior rectus. Inserted on the ventral surface of the eye-ball. 

(3) Anterior rectus. Inserted on the antt'rior surface of the eye-ball. 

(4) Posterior rectus. Inserted on the posterior surface of the: eye-ball. 

(5) Superior oblique. Inserted on the dorsal surface of the eye-ball. 

(6) Inferior oblique. Inserted on the ventral surface of eye-ball. Optic peduncle. It is a cartilaginous stalk holding eye in the orbit. 

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