Saturday, April 11, 2020

Study of skeleton Que. Bank by Dr. Vidhin Kamble

Study of skeleton Que. Bank by Dr. Vidhin Kamble

1)                  The study of bone is called ……………………..........
2)                  The axial skeleton includes the  …………………....... 
3)                  The appendicular skeleton include................and …………
4)                  In cartilaginous fish (scoliodon) the vertebral column shows the presence of …             ...................... kinds of vertebrae.
5)                  In trunk vertebrae, neural arch unit to form…………………………..
6)                  Haemal spine gives support to the ………………………….. of the tail.
7)                  In Amphibian (frog) the 9th vertebra is also called ……………………….
8)                  9th vertebra of frog posteriorly shows two convexities for concavity of                               …………………………. bone.
9)                  The typical cervical vertebra of reptile shows facet for the articulation of ………………….. rib.
10)              In case of bird the fused thoracic vertebra show ……………… and………….facet for ribs.
11)              In the case of bird the ……….. last vertebra and it is also called as ……………
12)              Pygostyle gives support to the   …………………….......... Feather.
13)              In the case of vertebrates,  the first vertebra shows the presence of .................... like transverse process.
14)              The centrum of the trunk vertebra is ..........................
15)              The wedge-shaped structure of the calcified and non-calcified area of the 
               centrum is                    called .......
16)              The haemal spine is present in ..................................
17)              The typical vertebra has a solid cylindrical part known as .............................
18)              The Atlas vertebra is called as .................................
19)              The 2nd vertebra is called as ..................................
20)              The anteriorly atlas vertebra shows facet for articulation with ...........................
21)              The 9th vertebra of amphibian is articulate with ..........................
22)              How many vertebrae are present in Reptile [varanus].......................
23)              The odontoid process is present in ..............................
24)              In the case of reptile the centrum is ..................................
25)              The notched transverse process are present in ...............................
26)              Chevron bone is present in .................................
27)              The synsacrum is present in .................................
28)              The syn sacrum consists of .............................. vertebrae.
29)              The pygostyle is also called as ..............................
30)               The pygostyle bone is present in ..........................
31)              The metepophysis are present in ..........................
32)              In mammal ........................ type of centrum.
33)              The heterocoelus vertebrae are present in .............
34)              Procoelus centrum is present in ......................... 

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