Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Comparative Zoology MCQ - Dr. Vidhin Kamble

( Comparative Anatomy of Chordate )   


v Stato-acoustic is the function of -------------

o   Eyes

o   Inner ear

o   Nasal chamber

o   Cerebral hemisphere

v Odontoid process is present in -------

o   Sacral vertebra

o   Atlas vertebra

o   Lumbar vertebra

o   Axis vertebra.

v ---------- pairs of gills are present in bony fishes?

o   5

o   6

o   4

o   7

v Presence of -------- gland in integument is the characteristics of mammals.

o   Sweet gland

o   Sebaceous gland

o   Ceremonious gland

o   All the above B

v -------- is the type of feather in which barbs are present at the tip of rachis.

o   Counter feather

o   Down feather

o   Filoplume

o   Rectal bristles

v Three chambered heart is present in ----------------

o   Fishes

o   Mammals

o   Amphibian

o   Reptile

v Pulmonary vein carries----------

o   Mixed type of blood

o   Deoxygenated blood

o   Oxygenated blood

o   None of the above

v Enzyme pepsin is secreted by------------

o   Intestine

o   Pancreas

o   Salivary gland

§  Stomach

v --------------- is not the epidermal derivative.

o   Feather

o   Hair

o   Cycloid scale

o   Horn

v Cerebelum of mammalian brain consists of ------------- lobes

o   2

o   5

o   3

o   4v   ------------------ have lamellae form gills.

§  Salamander

§  Labeo         

§  Scoliodon            

§  Lung fish.

v In  cartilaginous fishes ……….. pair of aortic arches are present.

§  5                

§  4                

§  6                

§  7

v Inferior lobi are present in the brain of ------------

§  Mammals   

§  Reptile                 

§  Aves 

§  Elasmobranch

v Single circulation is occurs in to the heart of -------

o   Amhibia

o   Reptile

o   Pisces

o   Mammals

v Mesonephric kidney are found in  -------

o   Birds

o   Mammals

o   Reptile

o   Amphibian

v Photo-sensitive part of eye is ------------------

o   Sclerotic coat

o   Retina

o   Choroid coat

o   Pectin

v Pulmo-cutaneous  vein occurs in --------------

o   Amphibia

o   Birds

o   Mammal

o   Reptile

v Most of the ruminants have ------------ chambered stomach.

o   3

o   2

o   4

o   5

v Glenoid cavity os present in ------------------

o   Pelvic girdle

o   Skull

o   Pectoral girdle

o   Vertebral column

v Left chamber of mammalian atrium contains ------------- blood.

o   Deoxygenated

o   Mixed

o   Oxygenated

o   Partially mixed


v In the trunchus arteriosus of amphibian heart show the presence of --------------- valve

o   Semi-lunar valve

o   Bicuspid valve

o   Spiral valve

o   Tricuspid valvev Uropygial gland is present in ----------------

§  Reptile                 

§  Amphibia            

§  Aves 

§  Pieces

v Placoid scales in Elasmobranch are --------- derivatives of integument.

§  connective tissue 

§  dermal                 

§  epidermal 

§  keratin   

v Membranous labrynth is the part of  -------------------

§  brain          

§  heart 

§  inner ear    

§  integument

v Saccus vasculous in fishes act as----------------------

§  Thermoreceptor  

§  chemoreceptor

v baroreceptor 

§  photoreceptor

v Parietal organ present in  ------------------------

§  Reptile       

§  Amphibia            

§  Aves 

§  Pieces

v Cutaneous respiration is occurs in ----------------

§  Fishes          

§  Reptile       

§  Amphibians                  

§  Mammals

v Pons vorolli is present in --------------- group of vertebrates.

§  Mammals            

§  Pisces                  

§  Amphibians                  

§  Reptiles

v ----------- part of eye regulate entry of light into the cavity of eye ball.

§  Retina                  

§  Cornea                

§  Iris             

§  sclerotic coat

v Connection between 3rd and 4th  pair of aortic arch is called -------------

§  Systemic

§  ductus carotid     

§  ductus botalli      

§  common carotid

v Ventricle of cerebellum is called ----------------------

§  rhinocoel             

§  paracoel     

§  metacoel    

§  rhinocoel

v Stratum----------------is outer most layer of dead cells in vertebrate integument. 

§  germantivum       

§  malpighi

§  cornium  

§  granulosum

v In which of the following reptile heart is of four chambers?

§  Lizard        

§  Turtle

§  Tortos

§  Crocodile

v ----------- is the only gland found in reptile.

o   Uropygial gland

o   Sebaceous gland

o   Femoral gland

o   Mucus gland.

v Synsacrum is found  in ----------------

o   Reptiles

o   Aves

o   Mammals

o   Amphibian

v Blood from posterior part of body is collected by----------

o   Jugular vein

o   Pulmonary vein

o   Iliac vein

o   Subclavian vein

v Heart of amphibia consists of ------- chambers.

o   2

o   4

o   3

o   Incomplete four  

v Acetabular cavity is present in ------

o   Pelvic girdle

o   Sternum

o   Pectoral girdle

o   Femur bone

v Mixed type of blood circulate into the heart of------------

o   Amphibian

o   Fishes

o   Reptiles

o   Aves

v Parital organ is present in --------

o   Fish

o   Amphibian

o   Reptile

o   Birds

v -------- pairs of aortic arches are present in teliost

o   5

o   4

o   3

o   2

v How many meninges are present in mammals?

o   1

o   3

o   2

o   Absent

v --------- is the second cervical vertebra.

o   Sacral

o   Lumbar

o   Axis

o   Atalas

v Lung of birds is surrounded by ------- air sacs.

o   13

o   9

o   7

o   6

v Only one left systemic is present in -----------

o   Aves

o   Mammals

o   Reptiles

o   Amphibia

v ----------------- is the function of kidney

o   Respiration

o   Circulation

o   Thermoregulation

o   Osmoregulation

v Radix of lateral dorsal aorta forms------------------

o   Internal carotid

o   External carotid

o   External jugular

o   Internal jugular

v Subclavien vein collect blood from --------

o   Head region

o   Fore limb

o   Hind limb

o   Pelvic girdlev scroll valve is present in the intestine of -------------

o   Lizard

o   Frog

o   Scoliodon

o   Rat

v The connection between pharynx and middle ear is called -------

o   Eustachian canal

o   Semicircular canal

o   Foramen of Panazae

o   Foramen of monro


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Comparative study of Heart With answer By Dr. V. S. Kamble Department of Zoology Sangola College, sangola

Comparative study of Heart 1.       The heart is pumping organ operates                                                              A rte...