Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Question Bank Comparative zoology


ZOOLOGY- B. Sc- III  (Paper-XI) (CBCS Pattern)

Comparative zoology 

Question Bank                 


Heart of amphibia consists of ------- chambers.

a.     2

b.     4

c.      3

d.     Incomplete four  

    Acetabular cavity is present in ------

a.     Pelvic girdle

b.     Sternum

c.      Pectoral girdle

d.     Femur bone

            Mixed type of blood circulate into the heart of------------

a.     Amphibian

b.     Fishes

c.      Reptiles

d.     Aves


                      ----------------- is the function of kidney

a.     Respiration

b.     Circulation

c.      Thermoregulation

d.     Osmoregulation

                         Radix of lateral dorsal aorta forms------------------

a.     Internal carotid

b.     External carotid

c.      External jugular

d.     Internal jugular

                      Subclavien vein collect blood from --------

a.     Head region

b.     Fore limb

c.      Hind limb

d.     Pelvic girdle

               --------------- is not the epidermal derivative.

a.     Feather

b.     Hair

c.      Cycloid scale

d.     Horn

                     Cerebelum of mammalian brain consists of ------------- lobes

a.     2

b.     5

c.      3

d.     4

             Photo-sensitive part of eye is ------------------

a.     Sclerotic coat

b.     Retina

c.      Choroid coat

d.     Pectin

                       Pulmo-cutaneous  vein occurs in --------------

a.     Amphibia

b.     Birds

c.      Mammal

d.     Reptile

                        Most of the ruminants have ------------ chambered stomach.

a.     3

b.     2

c.      4

d.     5

                      Glenoid cavity os present in ------------------

a.     Pelvic girdle

b.     Skull

c.      Pectoral girdle

d.     Vertebral column

                       Left chamber of mammalian atrium contains ------------- blood.

a.     Deoxygenated

b.     Mixed

c.      Oxygenated

d.     Partially mixed


                       In the trunchus arteriosus of amphibian heart show the presence of --------------- valve

a.     Semi-lunar valve

b.     Bicuspid valve

c.      Spiral valve

d.     Tricuspid valve 

 ------------------ have lamellae form gills.

a)      Salamander    

b)      Labeo    

c)      Scoliodon                 

d)     Lung fish.

.     In  cartilaginous fishes ……….. pair of aortic arches are present.

a)     5           

b)    4           

c)     6           

d)    7

     Inferior lobi are present in the brain of ------------

a)     Mammals       

b)    Reptile            

c)     Aves     

d)    Elasmobranch

    Uropygial gland is present in ----------------

a)     Reptile            

b)    Amphibia                 

c)     Aves     

d)    Pieces

    Placoid scales in Elasmobranch are --------- derivatives of integument.

a)     connective tissue      

b)    dermal            

c)     epidermal 

d)    keratin   

    Membranous labrynth is the part of  -------------------

a)      brain               

b)      heart     

c)      inner ear

d)     integument

     Saccus vasculous in fishes act as----------------------

a)      Thermoreceptor       

b)      chemoreceptor

c)      baroreceptor 

d)     photoreceptor

    Parietal organ present in  ------------------------

a.     Reptile

b.     Amphibia                

c.      Aves    

d.     Pieces

    Cutaneous respiration is occurs in ----------------

a)     Fishes     

b)    Reptile            

c)     Amphibians             

d)    Mammals

               Pons vorolli is present in --------------- group of vertebrates.

a)     Mammals                 

b)     Pisces            

c)     Amphibians             

d)    Reptiles

               ----------- part of eye regulate entry of light into the cavity of eye ball.

a)     Retina             

b)    Cornea            

c)     Iris                  

d)    sclerotic coat

                   Connection between 3rd and 4th  pair of aortic arch is called -------------

a)     Systemic

b)    ductus carotid

c)     ductus botalli  

d)    common carotid

                     Ventricle of cerebellum is called ----------------------

a)     rhinocoel                  

b)     paracoel         

c)     metacoel

d)    rhinocoel

                     Stratum----------------is outer most layer of dead cells in vertebrate integument. 

a)     germantivum  

b)     malpighi

c)     cornium  

d)     granulosum

                        In which of the following reptile heart is of four chambers?

a.  Lizard   

b.  Turtle

c.   Tortos

d.  Crocodile

                         ----------- is the only gland found in reptile.

a.     Uropygial gland

b.     Sebaceous gland

c.      Femoral gland

d.     Mucus gland.

                      Synsacrum is found  in ----------------

a.     Reptiles

b.     Aves

c.      Mammals

d.     Amphibian

               Blood from posterior part of body is collected by----------

a.     Jugular vein

b.     Pulmonary vein

c.      Iliac vein

d.     Subclavian vein

       Parital organ is present in --------

a.     Fish

b.     Amphibian

c.      Reptile

d.     Birds

                        -------- pairs of aortic arches are present in teliost

a.     5

b.     4

c.      3

d.     2

                        How many meninges are present in mammals?

a.     1

b.     3

c.      2

d.     Absent

                       --------- is the second cervical vertebra.

a.     Sacral

b.     Lumbar

c.      Axis

d.     Atlas

                       Lung of birds is surrounded by ------- air sacs.

a.     13

b.     9

c.      7

d.     6

                      Only one left systemic is present in -----------

a.     Aves

b.     Mammals

c.      Reptiles

d.     Amphibia

                        scroll valve is present in the intestine of -------------

a.     Lizard

b.     Frog

c.      Scoliodon

d.     Rat

                      The connection between pharynx and middle ear is called -------

a.     Eustachian canal

b.     Semicircular canal

c.      Foramen of Panazae

d.     Foramen of monro

                       Single circulation is occurs in to the heart of -------

a.     Amhibia

b.     Reptile

c.      Pisces

d.     Mammals

                      Mesonephric kidney are found in  -------

a.     Birds

b.     Mammals

c.      Reptile

d.     Amphibian

.                        Stato-acoustic is the function of -------------

a.     Eyes

b.     Inner ear

c.      Nasal chamber

d.     Cerebral hemisphere

                       Odontoid process is present in -------

a.     Sacral vertebra

b.     Atlas vertebra

c.      Lumbar vertebra

d.     Axis vertebra.

                        ---------- pairs of gills are present in bony fishes?

a.     5

b.     6

c.      4

d.     7

                 Presence of -------- gland in integument is the characteristics of mammals.

a.     Sweet gland

b.     Sebaceous gland

c.      Ceremonious gland

d.     All the above B

                    -------- is the type of feather in which barbs are present at the tip of rachis.

a.     Counter feather

b.     Down feather

c.      Filoplume

d.     Rectal bristles

                       Three chambered heart is present in ----------------

a.     Fishes

b.     Mammals

c.      Amphibian

d.     Reptile

                   Pulmonary vein carries----------

a.     Mixed type of blood

b.     Deoxygenated blood

c.      Oxygenated blood

d.     None of the above

                   Enzyme pepsin is secreted by------------

a.     Intestine

b.     Pancreas

c.      Salivary gland

d.      Stomach

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